The Galleon is a sailing vessel for war and commerce of the XVI and XVII centuries, a type of transitory ship between the galeasa and the ship of the line.
It was born from the need to make long journeys, when the galeasa, as transitory type from a rowing ship to a sail one, was no longer suitable to travel to distant overseas areas.
Towards the middle of the 15th century the galleon is the best vessel after the carrak, with high sides, a little bit longer and faster than the nave.
The bow had a long front and recalled the big galley, hence the name.
It was a galleon with the bow «like carrack». Such a bow in the shape of carrack was maintained on some ships until 1590.
Usually it had two decks, an angular and cut off stern, that ended with a high quarterdeck with two or three floors.
The lowest circumference was in front of the large mast and, on the bow behind the fore mast, rose a regular quadrangular castle. The castle and the front are the main characteristics of the galleon. On the top of the front, at the main deck' s height, there was a figure head.
First galleons of the XVI century were primarily warships.
The big galleon in the beginning of the XVII century had three or four masts and a bowsprit. Under the bowsprit outstretched a crossed sail. The bow mast was high ¾ of the water line's length and carried three crossed sails. The main mast was as tall as the water line. Also on it were outstretched three crossed sails. In the middle of the quarterdeck stayed a thin mast of flint, tall as half of the main mast and it carried the lateen sail. Behind it sometimes there was a fourth, thin mast, quite low, occasionally planted on the top of the rudder. Also on it there was the lateen sail. On each mast there was a crow's nest.
Smaller galleons had the same shape as the big ones, they were different only in size and number of masts and sails. They had three masts. On the front mast were outstretched two crossed sails, as on the main mast, while on the mast of the stern outstretched a lateen sail. A crow' s nest was on the front and main masts.
Around the middle of the XVI century, the galleons become real warships and at the beginning of the XVII century the name of galleon is synonym for ship of the line.
Merchant galleons were used for long trips to overseas areas newly discovered. The most preserved galleons are Spanish and Ragusian, used for the transport of silver from Peru and Mexico. They sailed in groups, fleets, from which the name fleet. At that time the galleons were bigger than the caravel, but smaller than the carrack of Dubrovnik. They weighed 200-500 tons.
The Ragusian galleons, something different from the structural characteristics of the other galleons of the time and of the big and spacious carracks of Dubrovnik, are named Argosies, their name date from Ragusies, adjective of Ragusa (Dubrovnik). How these Ragusian ships were appreciated shows the best the fact that the English made for them a literary expression: Argosy.
Features of this MarisStella Model Ship Kit:
The keel and the posts are made of solid walnut wood, like all the elements of the deck and sides. The sails are embroidered on the cloth.The structural elements are laser cut.
The Upgraded project contains
-new designs; 2 sheets measuring 900x1000mm each, 35.43''x39.37''
-thick A4 color instruction booklet, 186 pages
-photo-etched brass sheet: 1 sheet, 0.5mm thickness
-10 types of light and dark rigging threads with all rigging materials
-pre-sewn sails
-more high quality wood materials
-laser-cut wooden sheets, 10 sheets
All required materials for constructing this model are included in the kit.
The instructions are written in English, Italian and Croatian.
Fleet of the Republic of Dubrovnik
These are museum-quality models of historical Dubrovnik ships. They are just a small part of the famous history of the people of Dubrovnik depicted in exceptionally designed models. They are made in the form of easily assembled kits for different levels of expertise.
It all started with a model of:
Ragusian Carrack 16th c. 77,5cm, 30.51'', 1:59
The pride of designer and ship model maker Mr. Mladen Mitić, a ship model winner of a whole range of medals and cups in national and international competitions. This project was the first collaboration between this top model maker and MarisStella. The collaboration has continued with the creation of this kit
Argosy – Ragusian Galleon 16th c. 71,7cm, 28.23'', 1:59
, a project that won as much recognition as its older, sister carrack.
Ragusian Cog 16th c. 65cm, 25.59'', 1:48
is an original MarisStella project. Providing the model interior proved to be an exceptional challenge. This ship was used exclusively for the transport of knights and various expensive items intended for trade. This information helped us make a beautiful model.
This was followed by reconstruction from a known model
Ragusian Galley 18th c. 78CM, 30.71'', 1:75
. The model is a perfect link between the advanced beginner kits and Step above.It is simple to make and truly beautiful.
From the program for beginners, course 2, two models from the Old Seller program:
Small Galley of Ragusa 17th c. 57cm 1:95 Old Seller
Nava of Ragusa 16th c. 63,1cm 1:63 Old Seller
Both are included in the comprehensive course for beginners. These two models show the new model makers the spirit of the Dubrovnik Republic from the very beginning…
Related projects
Step above
As a link between easy to build models and more advanced projects, we offer a series of easy to build kits from MarisStella Model Ship Kits and The Old Seller lines. If you have already mastered the basics of model ship building, these kits will guide you into and through more demanding projects, that are not too complex for a careful model builder.
The "Step above" program is the next step for ship modelers who have mastered our beginner's courses at the first, second and third levels, and are prepared to start work on a larger project. The instructions in these projects are like all MarisStella kits, highly detailed, but they still allow independent thinking and planning. All you need is the ability to read blueprints.
The assembly kits that we have included in this program, which connect other programs from our assortment, are:
from the program "Masters of the Adriatic",
Štilac 61 cm, 24.02'', 1:32
from the program "Dalmatian boats",
Trajta – Leudo of the island of Korcula 63,8 cm, 25.12'', 1:20
from the program "Fleet of the Republic of Dubrovnik",
Ragusian Galley 18th c. 78cm, 30.71'' , 1:75
and from the program "Illyrians, Masters of the Eastern Adriatic",
Novilara - Picenian and Liburnian ship 6oo BC 69cm, 27.17'', 1:35
Saint Jerome 16th c. 68cm, 26.77'', 1:75
project. It is an exception to the entire MarisStella program and is a model of the famous Hvar galley. This model is a priceless pearl for any modellers collection. It was created decades ago by the old famous master Mr. Verle, a great ship modeler.
Advanced Work
In English we define the qualifications of the ship modeler to enable them to decide on the level of models they want to build in this program. They are:
Intermediate level
. This means a model maker should have built at least three or more models to a reasonably high standard. This level will enable the modelbuilder to choose models from the MarisStella list without any problems. These are all unique works that were presented to the world for the first time through this line of kits.
HMS Ontario 81 cm 1:48, 31.89''
,an 18th-century British Royal Navy Snow Brig that played her part in the defence of Lake Ontario in Canada;
HMS Speedy 93cm 1:48, 36.61''
,another 18th century British Royal Navy beauty. A well-known and attractive brig. One of the sips mentioned in the novels of the author Patrick O'Brian;
Barque 'Stefano' 112,1 cm, 44.13'' 1:63
,a beautiful mercant ship hailing from the port of Dubrovnik. The vessel’s information comes directly from the notes of the captain of the time;
from the program "Masters of the Adriatic" we suggest:
Trabaccolo 80,9 cm, 31.85'' 1:32
, ...
Pielego 87,9 cm, 34.61'' 1:32
... and ...
Brazzera 72 cm, 28.35'' 1:32
from the program "Dalmatian Boats" we suggest:
Pasara 44,3 cm, 17.44'' 1:14
, ...
Gaeta 48,0 cm, 18.90'' 1:14
... and...
Gaeta falkusa 70,4 cm, 27.72'' 1:20
from the program "Fleet of the Republic of Dubrovnik" we offer:
Ragusian Carrack 16th c. 77,5cm, 30.51'' 1:59
, ...
Argosy – Ragusian Galleon 16th c. 71,7cm, 28.23'' 1:59
... and ...
Ragusian Cog 16th c. 65cm, 25.59'' 1:48
and from the program "Illyrians, Masters of the Eastern Adriatic",
Liburnian ship, monoreme 56,9 cm, 22.40'' 1:63
Of course,
Saint Jerome 16th c. 68 cm, 26.77'' 1:75
is a special project that we recommend as a very interesting and beautiful model. It is a model with an artistic flair that is definitely a priceless pearl that was originally created decades ago.