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AMATI Kitovi jedrenjaka

Amati modeli

H.M.S. Vanguard

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
5363.00 Kn
715.00 €
830.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
4469.00 Kn
596.00 €
691.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

Montažni komplet prepun detalja jednog od najslavnih linijskih brodova sa 74 topa. Komplet predstavlja H.M.S. Vanguard dok je bio pod zapovjedništvom Horatio Nelson-a u Bitci Nila. Komplet sadrži pulene i dekoraciju za izgradnju H.M.S. Elephant ili H.M.S.Bellerophon. Oznaka: 1300-04 Mjerilo: 1:72 Dužina: 117,1 cm Širina: 48,6 cm Visina: 89,4 cm

Amati modeli

H.M.S. Pegasus

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
2646.00 Kn
355.00 €
412.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
2205.00 Kn
296.00 €
343.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Laserom rezani materijali Dvostruka oplata trupa Metalni dijelovi Bakrene ploče za oblaganje Dekoracija Oznaka: 1300/05 Mjerilo: 1:64 Dužina: 80 cm

Amati modeli

Mercury - Ruski Brik

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
2843.00 Kn
381.00 €
441.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
2369.00 Kn
318.00 €
368.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

Laserom rezani elementi i rezbarena oplata palube Dvostruko obloženi trup Foto gravirani mjedeni dijelovi i bakrene ploče Elementi od drva i metala Drveni blokovi u pravom mjerilu Korak po korak priručnik za montažu i komplet nacrta Oznaka: 1300/06 Mjerilo: 1:64 Dužina: 86 cm Visina: 65,4 cm

Amati modeli

H.M.S. Fly

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
2234.00 Kn
300.00 €
348.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1862.00 Kn
250.00 €
290.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

H.M.S. Fly bio je peti iz „twenty-five Swan Class“ slopova, izgrađen između 1766. i 1780. godine. Fly je bio naručen od Admiraliteta 1. Kolovoza 1775. godine, a dizajner je u brodogradilištu Williams. Njegova je kobilica položena u Siječnju 1776. godine u brodogradilištu Sheerness, a kompletno je dovršen u Rujnu 1776. godine, što je ujedno i mjesec porinuća. Tijekom karijere služio je kao prateći i transportni brod. Nakon duge potjere zarobio je francuski brod Greneur, krenuvši iz Portland-a, a u 1800. godini zarobio je i drugi brod, Trompeur, kod La Hague-a. „Swan Class“ slopovi, sa svojim elegantnim linijama i lijepom dekoracijom bili su 97' 7" dugi, nosivosti 300 tona. Imali su posadu od 125 časnika i vojnika. Ovaj model temelji se na službenim dokumentima i originalnim nacrtima. Oznaka: 1300/03 Mjerilo: 1:64 Dužina: 80 cm

Amati modeli

H.M.S. Granado

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
2190.00 Kn
294.00 €
341.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1825.00 Kn
245.00 €
284.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

Porinut 22. Lipnja 1742. godine zbog povećanja flote ratnih brodova za vrijeme Austrijskog rata, Granado je imao izrazito skladne linije trupa. Izvorno zamišljen kao slop sa zadatkom kontrole trgovačkog prometa sa francuske obale i presretanja krijumčara i gusara sa istočne obale Britanije, pretvorena je u topovnjaču 1756. godine. Granado je iznimno dobro odgovorio svojoj novoj ulozi i bio pobjednik u nekoliko bitaka. Bilo je opremljen s dva 13 inčna bacača, topovima 4-pounder na kolicima, te protu pješačkim okretnim palubnim topovima. Oznaka: 1300/02 Mjerilo: 1:64 Dužina: 80 cm

Amati modeli

H.M. Cutter Lady Nelson

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
947.00 Kn
127.00 €
147.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
789.00 Kn
106.00 €
123.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

Kuter Lady Nelson je dizajniran kao tipični britanski kuter sa kraja osamnaestog stoljeća. Kuter, kao vrsta broda, je izvorno britanskog porijekla, a koristili su ga krijumčari Folkestone-a i okolnog područja. Nije dugo trebalo da njegov napredni dizajn prihvati i mornarica, cijenivši njegove prednosti, pa je tako bio u širokoj upotrebi sredinom osamnaestog stoljeća, preciznije, upotrebljavan je u suzbijanju krijumčarenja. Oznaka: 1300/01 Mjerilo: 1:64 Dužina: 53 cm

Amati modeli

Revenge 1577

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
3396.00 Kn
456.00 €
528.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
2830.00 Kn
380.00 €
440.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

Revenge, ratni brod Kraljevske Elizabetanske Ratne Flote, izgrađen je u Deptford-u i porinut 1577. godine. Bio je novi tip ratnog broda, takozvani 'Race Built Galleon’ (brzi galijun). Izgrađen je prema uputama Sir John Hawkins-a i pod nadzorom, kako se smatra, stručnjaka brodogradnje, Matthew Baker-a. Revenge je bio nosivosti oko 500 tona, s posadom od oko 250 ljudi. Suprotno ustaljenom mišljenju, novi brzi galijuni nisu bili manji od španjolskih galijuna, već su bili jednakih, ili ponekad čak i većih dimenzija. Vrlo je lako zamisliti linije ovog galijuna kao prethodnicu broda Prince Royal, iz 1610. godine, Sovereign of the seas iz 1637. godine, ili čak Prince-a iz 1670. godine. Montažni komplet sadrži: 20 listova nacrta 96 stranica korak po korak uputa za montažu tiskanih u koloru Laserom rezanu šperploču, prirodno drvo i MDF Dvostruko obloženi trup Detaljne fotogravirane elemente na mjedi Preciznu papirnatu dekoraciju Mjedene falkonete (kulvenire) i potamnjene, u mjedi lijevane topove Oznaka: 1300/08 Mjerilo: 1:64 Dužina: 88,5cm Širina: 38cm Visina: 65,5cm

Amati modeli

H.M.S. Bounty

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1814.00 Kn
244.00 €
282.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1512.00 Kn
203.00 €
235.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

230 tonski jedrenjak, izvorno naručen kao trgovački brod, 1787. godine Bounty je dodijeljen Kraljevskoj mornarici za istraživačka putovanja. On je postao poznat prije svega po pobuni posade protiv kapetana William Bligh-a. Bounty je jedan od najljepših i najdetaljnijih modela u ovoj zbirci. Rekonstrukcija ovog poznatog broda je omogućena zahvaljujući originalnim nacrtima koje Britanski Admiralitet još uvijek ima u svojoj arhivi. Oznaka: 1432 Mjerilo: 1:60 Dužina: 72 cm

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1314.00 Kn
176.00 €
205.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1095.00 Kn
147.00 €
171.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

Jedno od najpoznatijih imena u pomorskoj povijesti, Mayflower je zapamćen po prijevozu hodočasnika iz Plymouth-a (Engleska) do Cape Cod-a (Massachusetts) 1620. godine. Za vjerskih ugnjetavanja u vrijeme vladavine Elizabete I, u Engleskoj, formirane su dvije sekte: puritanci i separatist. Separatisti su formirali dosljedan kontingent na Mayflower-u, koji je za vrijeme vladavine James-a I isplovio iz Plymouth-a za Ameriku sa 102 muškaraca, žena i djece 6. Rujna 1620. godine. Oznaka: 1413 Mjerilo: 1:60 Dužina: 65 cm

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
983.00 Kn
133.00 €
152.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
819.00 Kn
110.00 €
127.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

Pulaka se pojavila u Mediteranskom moru u ranom XVIII stoljeću i bila je upotrebljavana kao prateći brod, kao teretni brod te za prijevoz putnika. Venecijanska flota u Jadranskom moru upotrijebila je Pulaku kao brod za zaštitu pomorskih putova Venecije od dalmatinskih, grčkih i turskih gusara. Maketa je idealna za manje iskusne maketare. Komplet uključuje laserom izrezanu kobilicu, pregrade i palubu; drvenu oplatu; metalni i drveni materijal; jedra i zastave; dekoracije i topove. Oznaka: 1407 Dužina: 45 cm

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1242.00 Kn
167.00 €
193.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1035.00 Kn
139.00 €
161.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Čuveni brod sa latinskim jedrima, upotrebljavan od strane gusara Berberske obale. Naoružan sa 14 topova srednjeg kalibra i 6 kulverina za borbu iz blizine, šambek su također koristili i Španjolci za obranu obale od alžirskih gusara. Vesla su omogućavala plovidbu čak i kada vjetra nije bilo. Oznaka: 1427 Mjerilo: 1:60 Dužina: 72 cm

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
3164.00 Kn
424.00 €
492.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
2637.00 Kn
354.00 €
410.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Titanik (ili radije RMS Titanik, tako označen zbog prijevoza Kraljevske Pošte – the Royal Mail), uz svoje blizance Olympic i Britannic, bio je jedan od najvećih transatlantskih putničkih brodova u posjedu White Star Line kompanije. Izgrađen je u brodogradilištu Harland and Wolff u Belfastu, a bio je popularno nazivan nepotopivim. Ovaj mit bio je stvoren od strane novinskih kuća, ali ne i vlasnika (koji, do duše, nisu ulagali nikakav napor da ovakav glas opovrgnu) usprkos činjenici da je brod bio u stanju plutati čak i kada bi njegova četiri vodonepropusna odjeljka bili potpuno popunjena vodom. No, na nesreću, u fatalnoj noći pri udaru u ledenu santu broj uništenih odjeljaka popeo se na šest. Potonuo je na svom prvom putovanju u noći 14. Travnja 1912. godine. Tragedija, u kojoj je život izgubilo 1503 duša od ukupno 2200 ukrcanih (40% putnika prve klase i 70% putnika treće klase), prouzročila je enormnu žalost i dovela do prvog ikad održanog skupa posvećenog jednoj pomorskoj nesreći. Brodolom Titanika obilježen je kao najveća pomorska tragedije u mirnodopskom razdoblju, pa je s toga i najpoznatiji. Oznaka: 1606 Mjerilo: 1:250 Dužina: 107 cm

Amati modeli

Škotski ribarski brod Fifie

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1610.00 Kn
216.00 €
251.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1341.00 Kn
180.00 €
209.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The Fifie is a type of fishing vessel developed on the east coast of Scotland. The kit has been designed specifically for any type of model maker, and as such it is a perfect kit for those who want and expect a little more. All fittings, masts and rig have been researched using contemporary sources and the most up to date reference material available to make the kit as accurate and as detailed as possible.

Kit contains:
- Laser cut keel and frames.
- Amati wooden and metal fittings.
- Step by step color buildings instructions and detailed plans.

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
545.00 Kn
74.00 €
86.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
454.00 Kn
61.00 €
71.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Simbol ribarskog gradića Chioggia i njegove tradicije, bragoc je zasigurno najpoznatija ribarska barka cijele venecijanske lagune. Njegovo kormilo može biti podignuto tako da omogućava plovidbu plitkim vodama. Često se koristi i u Istri. Oznaka: 1570 Dužina: 45 cm

Amati modeli

Egipatski brod

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
599.00 Kn
81.00 €
94.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
499.00 Kn
67.00 €
78.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The need to procure timber, myrrh and a gold alloy known as ""electrum"" lead the Egyptians to build ships capable of reaching Syria and crossing the Red Sea. The plans for building this model were drawn from a bas-relief in the temple of King Sahure.

Amati modeli

Vikinški longboat

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
784.00 Kn
106.00 €
123.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
653.00 Kn
88.00 €
102.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

“Gold and silver gleaming on the bows and flanks of every ship of a magnificent fleet, the mere sight of which struck terror in the hearts of any foe.” Named ""Ormen Lange"" (or Long Serpent) by King Olaf Tryggvesson, the drakkar was the most formidable of all Viking warships. With its dragon figurehead, the drakkar could be of a remarkable length, some up to 48 metres. Clinker built and protected by high gunnels, the drakkar had to be light and extremely manoeuvrable.

Pre-cut outer planking
Pre-cut keel, frames and decking
Wooden mast and yardarm
Figurehead and accessories in wood and resin
with cloth for sails

Amati modeli

Santa Maria

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
909.00 Kn
123.00 €
142.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
757.00 Kn
102.00 €
118.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Christopher Columbus's flagship, the Santa Maria, is one of the most famous ships in the history of navigation. Columbus nicknamed it ”Nao”, but this type of ship certainly originated from the northern coasts of Spain and its original name was La Gallega. Its owner, Juan de la Cosa, took part in Columbus' expedition to find the new world.

Amati modeli

Pinta karavela

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
734.00 Kn
99.00 €
114.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
611.00 Kn
82.00 €
95.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

" Apart from Columbus's own logbooks, Spanish literature gives few details about the two caravels that accompanied the Santa Maria on its Atlantic voyage.
Originally, Niña and Pinta were lateen rigged caravels.
It is known they belonged to the Pinzon brothers who took part in the historic voyage as captains.
On reaching the Canaries, Pinta was fitted out as a square rigger.
This operation required replacement of the mast and led to a four week delay.
Christopher Columbus always referred to his flagship as ""Nao"", and the other two simply as ""the caravels"".

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
734.00 Kn
99.00 €
114.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
611.00 Kn
82.00 €
95.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

" Other than Columbus's own logbooks, Spanish literature gives few details about the two caravels that accompanied the Santa Maria on its Atlantic voyage.
Originally, Niña and Pinta were lateen rigged caravels.
It is known they belonged to the Pinzon brothers who took part in the historic voyage as captains.
On reaching the Canaries, Pinta was fitted out as a square rigger.
This operation the replacement of the mast and led to a four week delay.
Christopher Columbus always referred to his flagship as ""Nao"", and the other two simply as ""the caravels"". "

Amati modeli

Greek Galley

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
798.00 Kn
107.00 €
125.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
665.00 Kn
89.00 €
104.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The Greek war of Independence (1821-1827) is best remembered for the naval battle of Navarino, and characterized by numerous clashes between the Greek privateers and Turkish-Egyptian ships.
Agile and with shallow draught, these galleys could hide inside the narrow gulfs of the Aegean islands and then, with rapid oar strokes, attack the Turkish ships.

Amati modeli

Chinese Pirate Junk

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
667.00 Kn
90.00 €
105.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
555.00 Kn
75.00 €
87.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Junks like these plied the seas, rivers and harbours of China and Hong Kong. For the captains of Clippers carrying tea and spices to Europe, it was impossible to tell whether they were peaceful merchants or ferocious pirates, until it was too late.
This highly effective model differs from a merchant junk for its weaponry, consisting of 8 small calibre canons.

Amati modeli

Arrow Gunship

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
813.00 Kn
120.00 €
127.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
677.00 Kn
100.00 €
106.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

An American gunboat used during the victorious battle of Lake Champlain in 1814 against the British fleet. These gunboats were highly manoeuvrable and armed with a canon and a carronade to fore and aft, and played a significant role in the defeat of the British.

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
894.00 Kn
120.00 €
139.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
745.00 Kn
100.00 €
115.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

Traditional clinker-built whaleboat launch, used in New Bedford up to 1860.
Sturdy and light, with similar bow and stern, the whaleboat launch carried a crew of six and a wide range of accessories for hunting and navigation.
A whaleboat launch could be dragged by a harpooned whale for many miles before the whale tired, and sometimes it would take days to sail back to the mothership, so the launch was always well-stocked with drinking water, food and tobacco, along with mast, sails and compass.

The kit has been carefully engineered to give hours of modelling enjoyment.
It includes pre-cut keel and frames; internal planking in hardwood strips; pre-cut external planking; all accessories in wood, metal and resin, mast; instructions and construction plans.

Amati modeli

Hunter Q-Ship

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
724.00 Kn
98.00 €
113.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
603.00 Kn
81.00 €
94.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

This is a model of schooner-rigged merchant ship built in the early nineteen-hundreds, mainly used as a bulk carrier during peacetime.

The Hunter was originally a British Merchant Navy ship . She was later acquired by Royal Navy for her seafaring capabilities particularly suited to the North Seas, and converted for war duty as a Q-ship.

Like all other Q-ships, she was converted at the Queenstown shipyards in Ireland (hence the term Q-ship), as fitted-out as a decoy to lure submarines to the surface, with false structures to conceal its deck weaponry. These structures were designed for rapid removal and stowage below deck, revealing her guns only during battle ,while lowering its lifeboats into the sea.

Amati modeli

Swedish Gunboat

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
462.00 Kn
63.00 €
72.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
385.00 Kn
52.00 €
60.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Designed by Fredrick Henrik Chapman, these Swedish gunboats were particularly suited to warfare in the fjords thanks to their extraordinary manoeuvrability and lightness.
This model is armed with a stern-mounted medium calibre cannon on a sliding carriage.

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
323.00 Kn
44.00 €
51.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
269.00 Kn
36.00 €
42.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The Sampang is a boat used in the China Sea for fishing or light cargo. Kit features pre-cut keel and frames; metal and wooden accessories; cloth sails.

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
345.00 Kn
47.00 €
54.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
287.00 Kn
39.00 €
45.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

A small merchant boat, with two masts, used in the Adriatic Sea. The kit contains wooden pre-cut keel, frames and decks; metal and wooden accessories; cloth sails.

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
694.00 Kn
94.00 €
108.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
578.00 Kn
78.00 €
90.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

The carrack, or Spanish coca, is a type of ship built in the XV century and it was widely used as merchant ship. It generally featured two castles, one at stem and one at stern, in order to defend the load from pirate attacks. From the top placed on the long mast, sailors could easily monitor the sea. This ship had a unique appearance with its mast almost as long as the hull and with the round and large hold.
The caravel Santa Maria of Cristopher Columbus derives from this type of vessel.
The well known Coca of Matarò built as a votive offering, has been analyzed in the study of the evolution of the merchant Navy.
This model is not a toy.

Kit includes:

Laser-cut keel and frames
Double planking
Sail cloth
16 pages full colour building instructions

Amati modeli

Greek Bireme

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
599.00 Kn
81.00 €
94.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
499.00 Kn
67.00 €
78.00 US$
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A fast, manoeuvrable battleship, the bireme was manned by 44 oarsmen working on two banks of oars.
The pointed keel was an effective weapon for ramming enemy vessels in close-quarter battles and boarding.

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
327.00 Kn
45.00 €
52.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
272.00 Kn
37.00 €
43.00 US$
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Traditional fishing boat from the mid-nineteenth century. The kit contains wooden pre-cut keel, frames and decks; all fittings; cloth sails.

Amati modeli

Arno XI - Ferrari

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
2478.00 Kn
333.00 €
387.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
2065.00 Kn
277.00 €
322.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

" In the early 'sixties, Nando Dell’Orto the famous powerboat racer, decided to mount a 12 cylinder Ferrari engine on a 3 point hull designed by the Timossi shipyards for the 800 kg inboard class and built in 1953. the engine was specially prepared by Rinaldo Tinarelli, better known as ""the wizard"". The hull structure, with solid wood formers and marine ply skin, was both flexible and strong enough to withstand the stresses of racing.
The engine fairing and tail fin, painted Ferrari red with the famous prancing horse logo, soon became synonyms for sheer power. "

Amati modeli

Grand Banks Kit

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
3211.00 Kn
431.00 €
499.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
2676.00 Kn
359.00 €
416.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The whole upper portion of the cabin can be easily removed to access the inside of the model. The photo shows the cabin at an advanced stage of construction, removed from the hull. For best performance, we recommend fitting two RS450 motors with reduction gears. The motorising kit with 2 motors, shafts, tubes and reduction gears, is not included with the model and can be purchased separately.
The spacious living quarters aboard the Grand Banks 46 Classic provide ample room for comfortable long-range cruising. With top speed exceeding 20 knots, the 46CL is an ideal yacht to get you quickly to your favourite cruising destination.
Safety and reliability are, of course, a built-in Grand Banks tradition. Wide walk-around decks, aft cockpit, and well-equipped steering and navigation stations both on the flybridge and in the salon are all part of the package.

There are countless attributes of a Grand Banks that contribute to its reputation as one of the most reliable, high-quality yachts designed and built for cruising.

Amati modeli

Ferrari Arno XI - (Special Edition Kit)

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
2852.00 Kn
383.00 €
445.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
2376.00 Kn
319.00 €
370.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

" In the early 'sixties, Nando Dell’Orto the famous powerboat racer, decided to mount a 12 cylinder Ferrari engine on a 3 point hull designed by the Timossi shipyards for the 800 kg inboard class and built in 1953. the engine was specially prepared by Rinaldo Tinarelli, better known as ""the wizard"". The hull structure, with solid wood formers and marine ply skin, was both flexible and strong enough to withstand the stresses of racing.
The engine fairing and tail fin, painted Ferrari red with the famous prancing horse logo, soon became synonyms for sheer power. "

Amati modeli

Italian Runabout

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
2557.00 Kn
343.00 €
399.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
2131.00 Kn
286.00 €
332.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The Italian Aquarama is the last in line of the grand tradition of mahogany runabouts, still built today exactly as it was 30 years ago.

The kit includes:
laser-cut wooden hull
Double hardwood veneers
Seats assembled and upholstered in fake leather
Chromed brass windshield
Detailed interiors
Model can be motorised with two electric motors.
Suitable for radio control

The motorising kit (1608/02), sold separately, includes two electric motors with reducer gears, two shafts with bushes and oilers, two propellers, electronic speed regulator (forward and reverse), two rudders with fittings, instructions.

Amati modeli

Sexy Lady Motorboat

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1340.00 Kn
180.00 €
209.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1117.00 Kn
150.00 €
174.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The kit includes:

fiberglass hull with wood preassembled bridge
similzl leather seats
cockpit with steering wheel
chromed fittings
assembling instructions
This model is motorizable and suitable for remote control. Motorization kit and base not included.

Amati modeli

Bellezza Motorboat

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1189.00 Kn
160.00 €
186.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
990.00 Kn
133.00 €
154.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

" The kit includes:

fiberglass hull with wood preassembled bridge
simil leather seats set
chromed fittings
wooden laser cut cockpit with steering wheel
assembling instructions
This model is motorizable and suitable for remote control. Motorization kit and base not included.

Download:assembly instructions Bellezza "

Amati modeli

Grand Banks Motorising Kit

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1288.00 Kn
173.00 €
200.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1073.00 Kn
144.00 €
167.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The whole upper portion of the cabin can be easily removed to access the inside of the model. The photo shows the cabin at an advanced stage of construction, removed from the hull.
For best performance, we recommend fitting two RS450 motors with reduction gears. The motorising kit with 2 motors, shafts, tubes and reduction gears, is not included with the model and can be purchased separately.

Amati modeli

Italian Runabout Transmission Kit

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1269.00 Kn
171.00 €
198.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1057.00 Kn
142.00 €
165.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The motorising kit includes two motors with reduction gears, two shafts with bushes and oilers, two propellers, electronic speed regulator (forward and reverse), two rudders with fittings, instructions.

Amati modeli

Runabout upholstery and windshield kit

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
769.00 Kn
103.00 €
120.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
641.00 Kn
86.00 €
100.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The Italian Aquarama is the last in line of the grand tradition of mahogany runabouts, still built today exactly as it was 30 years ago.

Amati modeli

Base for Runabout 200x600

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
163.00 Kn
23.00 €
42.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
136.00 Kn
19.00 €
22.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Base for Runabout 200x600

Amati modeli

Dorade Racing Yacht

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
2109.00 Kn
283.00 €
329.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1758.00 Kn
236.00 €
274.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

" Dorade, considered the world's first modern Yacht, was designed by Olin Stephens, one of most famous yacht designers of the 20th century.
In appearance fine and delicate, Dorade was later defined by the Times newspaper as ""the most prodigious little ocean racing yacht ever built ”. "

Amati modeli


Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
680.00 Kn
92.00 €
106.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
567.00 Kn
76.00 €
88.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

A 285 ton Schooner, Bluenose was the exhilarating citing winner of the “II International Fisherman’s Trophy” in 1921.
This regatta, held off the coasts of Nova Scotia and New England, was strictly limited to genuine fishing vessels. Bluenose won innumerable victories in subsequent editions of the race, and no other vessel was ever able to pluck the prized trophy from her Canadian owners for many a year.

Amati modeli

America`s Cup_ Endeavour Kit in Wood with 5 Tools

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
637.00 Kn
87.00 €
99.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
531.00 Kn
72.00 €
83.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Having won the first two heats, the schooner Endeavour had staked her claim on the America's Cup, and the third race proved to be the most exciting of all. But destiny was not going to let Sir Thomas Sopwith to walk away with the Auld Mug. His rival Rainbow won by barely a length.

Kit features plank-on-frame construction with laser cut keel, frames and deck; double planking in basswood and mahogany; metal and wooden fittings; cloth sails; wooden detailed mast; brass photoetched parts; plans and detailed instructions.

Amati modeli

America`s Cup_ Endeavour 1:35

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1933.00 Kn
260.00 €
301.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1611.00 Kn
217.00 €
251.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Having won the first two heats, the schooner Endeavour had staked her claim on the America's Cup and the third race proved to be the most exciting of all. But destiny was not going to let Sir Thomas Sopwith to walk away with the Auld Mug. His rival Rainbow won by barely a length.

Pre-cut keel, frame and decks.
Hardwood double planking.
Wood and brass fittings.
Cloth sails.

Amati modeli

America`s Cup_ J-Class Endeavour 1:50 - pre-built wooden hull

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
1773.00 Kn
239.00 €
276.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
1478.00 Kn
199.00 €
230.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The J-Class was specifically designed in the 1930's to compete in the America's Cup. Just 10 yachts on the class were built, considering that the costs of both construction and maintenance were extremely high.
The designation ""J"" refers to the sail plan, displacement, length and mast height.
The challenger in the 1934 America's Cup was Endeavour, designed by Charles Nicholson. This great naval architect produced on of the most beautiful J's and his sail plan was truly innovative.

Kit includes:
Ready made wooden hull with completely planked deck;
Laser cut mahogany deckhouses;
Mast and rigging;
Sail cloth; Brass fittings;
Photoetched brass details.

Amati modeli

America`s Cup_ Rainbow Kit in Wood with 5 Tools

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
637.00 Kn
87.00 €
100.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
531.00 Kn
72.00 €
83.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Designed by Starling Burgess to defend the honour of the United States of America, Rainbow, winner of the 1934 America's Cup, was skippered by Mr. Harold Vanderbilt, who had commissioned the yacht specifically to beat the strong contender Endeavour.

Amati modeli

America`s Cup_ Constellation

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
879.00 Kn
119.00 €
137.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
733.00 Kn
99.00 €
114.00 US$
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Constellation was designed by Olin J. Stephens, who had already designed America’s Cup winners such as the “J” Class Ranger (1937) and the Twelve Metre Class Columbia (1958). Constellation had a wooden hull and an overall sail area of around 1690 square metres. Skipper R.N. Bavier led Constellation to victory over Sovereign, the British contender.

The kit comes with ready-built polyurethane or wooden hull.

Amati modeli

America`s Cup_ Columbia

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
879.00 Kn
119.00 €
137.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
733.00 Kn
99.00 €
114.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Olin Stephens put all the experience gained with Ranger and Vim into the design of the Defender for the 1958 America's Cup. The result was Columbia, an incredibly fast 12 metre wooden hull yacht, which under the hand of her skipper Briggs Cunningham simply outclassed all of her rivals.

Amati modeli

Elizabethan Galleon - First Step

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
425.00 Kn
58.00 €
66.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
354.00 Kn
48.00 €
55.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The Galleon is the ship that more than others lets one’s imagination run free. Each of these ships can carry treasures or secrets, sail gracefully on the sea and suddenly change itself in a pirate vessel, as the Revenge of Sir Francis Drake. Galleons stand out for their impressive lines and their majestic aft castle. The colorful decorations all along both sides are another distinctive feature of this kind of vessel.

This model, together with all the others making up the First Step series, does not require any previous model maker experience and no speci­c tools are needed. Your imagination will suggest you how to embellish it with all Amati accessories or you could add your own decorations on bulwarks and decks.

Amati modeli

H.M.S. Bounty - First Step

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
425.00 Kn
58.00 €
66.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
354.00 Kn
48.00 €
55.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

A 230 ton sailing ship, originally commissioned as a merchant vessel, in 1787 the Bounty was assigned to the Royal Navy for voyages of exploration. She became famous above all for the mutiny of her crew against her captain, William Bligh.

This model, together with all the others making up the First Step series, does not require any previous model maker experience and no speci­c tools are needed. Your imagination will suggest you how to embellish it with all Amati accessories or you could add your own decorations on bulwarks and decks.

Amati modeli

Mayflower - First Step

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
425.00 Kn
58.00 €
66.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
354.00 Kn
48.00 €
55.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The well known Mayflower was the ship that in 1620 transported the Pilgrim Fathers from England to the New World, where they could finally find that religious freedom they were looking for. The Mayflower, chartered by the Pilgrim Fathers, was a typical English galleon with high and bright color decorated bulwarks. The ship was finally broken up and her timbers were used to build fishermen’s shelters along the banks of the Thames. Actually, the Mayflower refers to the rose, symbol of England.

Amati modeli

Pirate Ship - First Step

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
425.00 Kn
58.00 €
66.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
354.00 Kn
48.00 €
55.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

The Pirate Ship is one of the most sought-after model, all over the world.

Actually there is not an authentic Pirate Ship, in fact pirates used to sail on ships they seized from their enemies. Pirates used to adapt these captured vessels to their purposes.

To build this model you do not need any special tool, you just need some glue for wood and a lot of imagination. You can enrich your model with many accessories from the Amati line, just like the pirates did.

Amati modeli

Santa Maria - First Step

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
425.00 Kn
58.00 €
66.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
354.00 Kn
48.00 €
55.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Christopher Columbus's flagship, the Santa Maria, is one of the most famous ships in the history of navigation. Columbus nicknamed it ”Nao”, but this type of ship certainly originated from the northern coasts of Spain and its original name was La Gallega.
Its owner, Juan de la Cosa, took part in Columbus' expedition to find the new world.
This model, together with all the others making up the First Step series, does not require any previous model maker experience and no speci­c tools are needed. Your imagination will suggest you how to embellish it with all Amati accessories or you could add your own decorations on bulwarks and decks.

Amati modeli

Nina Caravel - First Step

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
425.00 Kn
58.00 €
66.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
354.00 Kn
48.00 €
55.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

Niña, or the little one, is the ship that housed Christopher Columbus’s cabin. At the beginning, she featured the characteristic Latin sails, but afterwards she was equipped with square sails. Being a small size caravel, such as the Pinta was, she was very agile in the manoeuvers, but she need a remarkable ballast to withstand the stormy sea. Niña is a milestone in the history of sailing and of the whole humanity.

Amati modeli

Dutch Yacht Kit (ship in bottle)

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
388.00 Kn
53.00 €
60.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
323.00 Kn
44.00 €
50.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

In 1660 the City of Amsterdam gave a yacht like is to King Charles II of England, as part of the Dutch Gift. The King was so pleased with the gift that he decided to create special regattas for this type of vessel, and coined the nautical term Yacht, derived from the Dutch word ""Jaghtschip"", that meant ""fast pirate ship"".

Amati modeli

Hannah (ship in bottle)

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
373.00 Kn
51.00 €
59.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
311.00 Kn
42.00 €
49.00 US$
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PayPal usluga je +5%

When General George Washington took command of the Continental Army, he realised there was no Continental Navy to fight the mighty British Navy. So George Washington bought the schooner Hannah, which became the first ship commissioned by the Continental Army in 1775.

Amati modeli

H.M.S. Fly - Upgrade kit

Cijena s porezom
Za kupce u EU
283.00 Kn
39.00 €
45.00 US$
Cijena bez poreza
Za kupce izvan EU
236.00 Kn
33.00 €
37.00 US$
Za plaćanje pouzećem ili uplatom na bankovni račun odobravamo popust od 5%
PayPal usluga je +5%

H.M.S. Fly - Upgrade kit

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